Meet Tech Thoughts, a new Jamf technical blog

Jamf has a new blog called Tech Thoughts, and you can write for it!

With the flurry of excitement before, during, and after JNUC you may have missed the big news:

📣 Jamf has a new blog with a focus on technical content from Jamfs and Jamf customers called Tech Thoughts! 📣

The idea behind the blog is to have it be a space for more technical-focused topics. There's already been a great mix of posts on the new blog including converting Classic API scripts to use modern (bearer token) authorization), tips for macOS conditional access, a series on certificates (part 1, part 2), and a way to create randomized smart groups in Jamf Pro

Jamf products are used by a wide variety of organizations in a nearly endless variety of ways, from custom implementations to cool integrations. I can't wait to see more of that shared on the Tech Thoughts blog!

If you have a topic you'd like to share on Tech Thoughts you can head to and submit your idea. The blog is open to Jamf customers and community members (as well as Jamf employees). We'd love to see your ideas shared on Tech Thoughts!

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