Joining Jamf @ Jamf

In which I head straight to the source.

Photo by Danielle MacInnes on Unsplash

Leaving The Home Depot was a tough decision. I absolutely loved working there; I had an incredible team and a fantastic manager. I learned a ton, refined my engineering skills, and expanded into product ownership, user experience research, front end development, and so much more. I had a blast, and The Home Depot is an incredible company to work for. But sometimes an opportunity shows up that feels so perfect, a job description appears that sums up your tech career raison d'être so perfectly, that you just have to go for it. That happened recently with a new role at Jamf that they're calling their Apple Enterprise Management Engineer.

Here's an excerpt from the job description:

As the AEME, you will oversee the management of the Jamf Platform and Product Portfolio internally, determine standards and best practices for IT, and provide documentation and training around them. You will also determine, implement, design, and build solutions to integrate Jamf with other systems to further improve the end user experience, support business operations, and enable new workflows for Apple devices in the enterprise. 

At Jamf, the AEME also holds the position of being the voice of IT to Product Management. In the course of the duties described, the AEME will participate in Engineering team sprint reviews, collaborate with Product Managers and Product Owners on the internal needs of Jamf IT, and remain informed on upcoming releases and how to apply new features internally.

Improving user experience is my passion. Being able to collaborate internally and with the product teams will be so much fun. I can't wait to dig in and get started. 

Community engagement is a part of the gig too, so the plan is to continue to contribute to (and sometimes co-host) the Mac Admins podcast, to attend conferences (in person again someday, when it makes sense and when my kiddo is older), keep blogging here, and keep the conversation going on the Mac Admins Slack.

The outpouring of support on LinkedIn and Twitter has been incredible. Thank you so much to everyone who supports my silly blog and incessant push to put users first. I hope what we build at Jamf @ Jamf can make a difference not only for Jamfs, but also find its way to the product, marketplace, and/or open source. It feels like the sky's the limit and I love that.


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