Fave Friday

In honor of the big Doctor Who sale over at ThinkGeek, my Fave Friday this week features excellent Doctor Who thingies (that may or may not go ding when there's stuff).

In honor of the big Doctor Who sale over at ThinkGeek, my Fave Friday this week features excellent Doctor Who thingies (that may or may not go ding when there's stuff).

(Click the pictures for links!)

Yes, I love this Doctor Who soap dispenser.

I like that the pump is plastic so it won't get rusty. Metal in the bathroom always seems so nice but it just looks terrible and rusted after a while… I'll stick with plastic.

I think I may need to redesign my bathroom so that it's a Doctor Who bathroom.

I just adore this shower caddy.

I'm not always a big fan of logo-ish t-shirts (I feel like a walking advertisement) but I really like this U.N.I.T. shirt.

Also, these TARDIS leggings.

Because TARDIS leggings. Well, I guess they're the NuWho logo, but that's the whole point, isn't it?

And the cutest slippers ever.

I would wear the crap out of those.

You can check out all the cool Doctor Who stuff that ThinkGeek has to offer here. I am really thinking about getting the slippers. Really.


  1. We can have matching bathrooms! Since I'm already sort of turning my apartment into an overall TARDIS theme. Completely by accident, I promise.


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