The Halloween Shop is back at Target!

It is absolutely the best time of year. The temps are finally dipping, leaves are dying and turning cool colors, and Halloween stuff is trickling back onto store shelves.

It is absolutely the best time of year. The temps are finally dipping, leaves are dying and turning cool colors, and Halloween stuff is trickling back onto store shelves. I've been eagerly waiting for Target to get their Halloween Shop back up and going. A week or so ago they put out the leftovers from last year, which I foraged.

Last night I went to Target to stress-shop (dealing with Financial Aid, interestingly, puts me in a position where only spending money on fun things makes me love life again). Halloween stuff has finally made its way into the dollar/three-dollar bargain area and the Hallween Shop is filling up with lovely Halloween things.

Check out my haul from the Target Halloween Shop in my newest vlog:

2014 Target Halloween Trip #1 from modtitan on Vimeo.

And I will definitely be posting more Halloween stuff as the holiday approaches. Best time of the year.

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