This is what 30 looks like

I got old this weekend. 30. The big 3-0. But I was determined to just do fun things and basically say f' off to being an adult. What's the point of being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes?

I got old this weekend. 30. The big 3-0. But I was determined to just do fun things and basically say f' off to being an adult. What's the point of being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes?

We started the weekend off strong with sammies and fries from Conscious Cravings.
No pictures of the food, because we ate it too quickly (so good!). But, a picture of us:

We're adorable.

Saturday was the big day. We went and saw Guardians of the Galaxy (see my primer post here) and had our minds blown, but not before Charlie got his picture with Cap.

We love Alamo Victory. In fact, I get a free movie ticket for my birthday, which we plan on using this week to see Guardians again. Because of reasons. Also, the new vegan tacos at the Drafthouse are ridiculously good. I can't wait until the vegan menu rolls out to the other Drafthouse locations!

Next was picking up my cake at Capital City Bakery. The cutest bakery ever.

After that we headed to get ice cream for the cake at my favorite shop in Austin; Sweet Ritual.

They had my two favorite flavors in the case in pint-form, peanut butter cup and rocky road. Yes, entirely vegan.

When we got home Charlie set up a great little birthday celebration for me.

Dino-themed goodness! We have a running joke that I'm a t-rex, so it was dinos all around.

And I got some perfect gifts from him.

The cake was chocolate with cookie icing, and it was incredible!

After tasty treats we made a quick stop to an ATM to desposit some birthday money, and the ATM knew it was my birthday (weird).

We also rocked some Beastie Boys, mostly because they're awesome, also because Saturday was my friend Eric's birthday and we often bond over our love of the Beasties.

Once we got back we took Lil to the dog park in our apartment complex. I love this picture of Lil and Charlie!

And we then spent the rest of the night watching Star Trek (and eating more cake).

Sunday was may actual birthday, and we started it off strong by watching the newest episode of Sailor Moon Crystal and eating cake and ice cream for breakfast.

After a lazy hangout in the morning we went on search for vegan tacos. Vegan Nom was unfortunately closed this weekend, so we ended up getting sammies from Pulse Vegan.

The philly cheesesteak was incredible! And so was the Mac.

Dang I am drooling just looking at that again. Mind-bogglingly delicious.

I may or may not have had more ice cream Sunday night, this time with dino-sprinkles.

So what does turning 30 mean? Eating great food and spending time with wonderful people. We met up with friends at Tarka for dinner. They gave me this adorable little card and owl that they got while on a 4500 mile road trip in the midwest.

All in all, I'm feeling pretty good about my trek into my thirties. Hopefully by this time next year I'll be finished with my PhD and ready for the next chapter of my life. Until then… more ice cream!

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