A first look at COSMOS: A SpaceTime Odyssey

SXSW attendees got a special treat Friday night as Neil deGrasse Tyson and the team behind the new COSMOS programme screened the first episode at the Paramount.

SXSW attendees got a special treat Friday night as Neil deGrasse Tyson and the team behind the new COSMOS programme screened the first episode at the Paramount.

There is an entire generation who looked up to astronauts as the heroes of America. Gordon Cooper, Neil Armstrong, Pierre Thuot, Richard Hieb, and Thomas Akers of mission STS-49, Buzz Aldrin, Scott Carpenter, Sally Ride… children looked up to the astronauts as they reached for the stars. And those astronauts champion was Dr. Carl Sagan, the world-renowned astrophysicist who consulted on nearly every NASA space mission and inspired millions of people all over the world to question our place amongst the stars with his fantastic PBS series Cosmos: A Personal Voyage.

On a snowy Saturday in 1974 Carl Sagan met with a young man from the Bronx called Neil Tyson who longed to be a scientist. Their meeting that day would shape the future of science in the American consciousness, as Neil deGrasse Tyson has become the champion of the scientific community in a time where politicians put more effort into hindering outerspace exploration than it would take to support scientific achievement.

As Ann Druyan so eloquently stated before the screening of COSMOS: A SpaceTime Odyssey last night, every generation needs a Cosmos. Every generation needs a window into the universe. Every generation needs to see the scope of their existence through the lens of science.

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