Instalife :: January 2014

January was an insanely busy month for me! I started a new position at work; let me tell you, this full-time tech job thing really does take a big investment.

An add for Charlie's show in the Chronicle // Dinner outside at Freddie's
Closet Drama's show on the 19th // The interior of Infest while the band plays
We're now obsessed with getting Sweet Ritual // Finally embracing Siri on my iPhone 5c
Kalu James playing at the Mozu celebration at work // Finally got a Chromecast

January was an insanely busy month for me! I started a new position at work; let me tell you, this full-time tech job thing really does take a big investment. Charlie's band Closet Drama played at Infest on the 19th with a handful of other awesome bands. It was really nice to get out! And I'll be talking more about my Chromecast soon.

Here's to a fabulous February! (Hint: February is always fabulous because of Gallifrey One!)

Follow me on Instagram at smashism. :)

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