week 30 in review

I think it's time I get myself back into blogging more frequently. Week In Review seems like a good way to motivate myself, so here goes! I'll see if I can post every Friday. haha. We'll see how long it lasts. Like so many things on the internet, this may be fleeting.

Sherlock, 1/1, "A Study in Pink"
Doctor Who, 24/3 (7F), "Delta and the Bannermen"
A Hard Day's Night (1964)
Futurama, 6/7, "The Late Philip J. Fry"


Om Shanti Yoga Mat Bag
White Totoro amigurumi
Tiny Whale amigurumi
Frog amigurumi
Mouse amigurumi
Two day, four amis. I think it's time to really figure o... on Twitpic

2 oz. of 100% hand dyed merino top ("Passion Flower"); single ply lace weight
2 oz. of 100% corriedale ("Baby Llama"); will become 2 ply worsted weight

—other stuff
comprehensive exam studying (blergh)
cooking up quiz questions for my TA ship, harder than one would think (at least for me)
I haven't knit a single stitch all week; crochet crochet crochet!

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